Saturday, May 23, 2009

Course Numbers

Here's some of the English Department's offerings for next fall term.

110 English Literature I Yep, that sounds nice and basic.
112 Intro to American Literature So does this course. It's got the word "intro" in it.
114 Shakespeare I

Shakespeare's as difficult as you want him to be. You could be reading Midsummer Night's Dream or you could be reading King Lear. Moderate.

259 Advanced Essay Writing Advanced. Now we're talking.
272 A Journey into Journalism
313 The Faerie Queene Getting into the really meaty literary territory...
314 Paradise Lost

A grandmaster challenge. Paradise Lost is commonly regarded as an Everest of literature, second only in degree of difficulty to The Waste Land, the K2 of literature. So what English class could possibly get a higher course number than Paradise Lost? What is the very pinnacle of study, accessible only to highly trained senior-level majors?

395 Toni Morrison

Dang, lady. You write some challenging books.

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