Jill and the people who commented on the post bring up some interesting points.
Food is a really emotional issue. It's an extremely old issue. Try to think of anything that's been part of the human condition for just as long, and probably the only answer is sex. It's so important to survival, and so much of our culture revolves around it. That's why people get so angry.
It can lead to some pretty amusing clashes, too. Now, I'm not all that vegetarian; I probably eat meat about once or twice a week because it happens to be in some soup I wanted at the dining hall. My mother, bless her heart, is an excellent cook, but we have diverging cooking styles. The last time I was home on vacation she asked me, as delicately as she could, "But what do you eat?"
Why, all sorts of things! Eggs. Pasta. Lentil soup. That delicious falafel they make at the snack bar. Bananas. Yes, I'm getting enough protein. I feel fine, everybody. I'm not dead yet! I think I'll go for a walk...
Perhaps the best way to lure others to the dark side is with delicious, delicious meatless recipes.
Fritter thingies
- 4 slices of bread (for best results, leave them uncovered for 24 hours)
- 5 or 6 nice mushrooms
- 1/2 can black beans
- 2 eggs
- Tabasco
- spices you enjoy (I recommend lots of black pepper)
Mash the beans slightly with a potato masher or fork. Dice the mushrooms small and combine with the beans in big bowl. Toast the bread pretty dark, then crumble into the bowl. Blend. Add spices to taste (the more the better, the bread soaks it up a lot).
Beat the eggs separately. Add to the dry ingredients. Next comes the fun part: heat up a little oil in the bottom of a pan. Mix the goo, then form into patties with your hands. Sauté on both sides until the egg is cooked, and voilá! Crispy on the outside, creamy on the inside, with mushroomy chewy bits.
Try them, you'll like them.
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