Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Continuing Adventures of the First-Time Podcaster

The air-conditioning unit in my dorm room has turned on.

Couldn't record yesterday because somebody's building a new building right outside my window. I spent the time editing and doing some rehearsals, figuring I would make it up today. Then what do you know but I come home this evening, and it's freezing cold in my room, and the air-conditioning unit over my closet is going rrrrr-rrrr-rrrr. Very loud.

I can't control the air conditioning. I cranked up the thermostat all the way, but it still won't turn off.

I went to my RA asking about how to turn it off, and though he couldn't help me with that, he did tell me about the "make-out closet." It's a useless little room on the floor that used to be a phone booth back before the rooms all had phones in them. Now it's kind of like an appendix, just sitting there. The RAs jokingly call it the "make-out closet." Anyway, it's kind of like this little sound booth, and when I tried recording in there, it worked. Chs. 8-9 are going to sound a little funny, but that's okay.

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