Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Okay, now it's real

It's official now. I have spent money on this podcasting thing. Doing a quick sound test of the first scene of Grizelda with the microphone that was built into my laptop led me to the conclusion that my voice sounded all right, but the background noise sounded like Snap, Crackle, and Pop were having a drunken keg party in the other room. The problem is that my mouth isn't close enough to the mic, at least when I'm sitting up straight.

Thank God for CNET. Between them and the more experienced podcasters on the Podiobooks community, I was able to pick out a Logitech USB microphone. It's supposed to be perfect for beginning podcasters, and the price wasn't enough to give me a heart attack. But it did still cost money. I've made a financial commitment to this venture.

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